When an automobile accident or theft of car parts, people must acquire the relevant parts but as a spare elvados priced resort to illegal sales.
In our country the auto parts theft rate is very high forming an illegal market such that affects both formal markets auto parts and insurance companies, including major auto parts markets have San Jacinto and La 50.
The origin of this market has existed for several years but after 90 with the second-car entry that do not have a backup brand originated people unable to find spare parts in the formal market of original parts or spare parts required for their cars, they had to resort to the informal market is supplied by thieves where is the only place to find their replacements.
more commercialized parts are the mirrors, computers, music equipment, fenders, radiators and various parts damaged by shocks. The theft of auto parts has grown because the fleet is a growing trend, the theft of low risk, high cost of formal auto parts. This should be avoided by joint action of the police and also the user should avoid having your vehicle repaired with auto parts of dubious origin.