Saturday, March 26, 2011

Free Knitted Baby Sling Pattern

And now ... Without snorkel! A green

Having achieved settle the old debate about the direction of the air intake snorkel last December, came the question about the differences between the constraint values \u200b\u200bobtained, and a vehicle of equal features, but endowed with its original intake system.

To learn more about the differences between the air intake put forward or put back, please click here .

Whereas we already had with the instrument accurate measurements (see picture left) and we already had the test protocol defined based on our previous experience, we just needed to get paid another Land Cruiser UZJ200 "Roraima", the same characteristics to that of the initial tests, which enjoyed the original intake system intact, which finally happened this weekend.

This picture shows the exact way we connect our instrument for measuring the test vehicle's engine. A "T" serves the purpose of allowing the measurement of pressure drop, while retaining the normal operation of the fuel pressure regulator for the development of the test.

This table easily appreciate the differences in pressure drop between the original intake system and a vehicle equipped with snorkel, both air intake facing forward, as oriented ago.

This time we will only present the values \u200b\u200bobtained (see table above). The interpretation of data, which otherwise is very interesting, we wanted to leave it to you, dear reader.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Does Ice Cream Help Heart Burn?



For the "green " with much affection, and in consideration of many comments arising out of recent events we all know:

I humbly venture to guess that you do not use paper toilet (percentage points in Venezuela) or napkins to save resources and prevent deforestation. Similarly suppose that do not use any disposable product, or canned, or come in plastic containers and consume only organic foods. I assume

do not throw cooking oil down the sink and bathe without soap gourd to save water and prevent contamination.

only presume that walk on foot to avoid polluting the air with exhaust gases expelled from the vehicle and do not use bicycles as their manufacturing industries depends not only prey on the environment to obtain their raw materials, but whose operation is also highly polluting.

I imagine they have found a green solution to justify the use of a computer (made, like the bicycle, at the expense of good health of the environment) and the energy that is consumed, especially when used to participate in forums, facebook and other social networks. I think

bring their own cloth bags when they go to the supermarket and using solar panels on their homes, among other measures that will surely make daily to protect the environment and our mother earth.

Thus, very courteous and respectful, I would ask, "Who defines the limit of what is acceptable and what is not? Because

undoubtedly, you also attack the environment in their daily activities. Thus, why their attacks are acceptable and not the other?

More importantly why are good, are true and are sufficient the actions you take to protect Mother Nature, and the actions they could take the other not?

And I ask because as far as we know (yes, you read right, we all know) the organization has extreme precautions Fun Race from birth, to protect the environment as far as it is possible, taking into account the type of activity being conducted.

ask, because as far as we know and we know, Fun Race has promoted the enjoyment, appreciation and protection of landscapes and sites he visited over the course of 10 years.

course, the development of a valid Fun Race lead environmental impact, as do with making the computer on which you read this and the generation of electricity with which the feeds. If we look up as you throw a fart, of all this, you are emitting to the atmosphere up to 10% methane and 30% carbon dioxide, both recognized gas emissions.

know I mean Fun Race has never organized or organize an event on National Parks and Protected Areas. We know that where if organized, took all measures at its disposal to minimize environmental impact.

Who are you, also you throw your pean when the body will demand to judge whether these measures are appropriate or not?

how are you in polluting factories will produce brand clothes you wear, the computer you are using right now, the car that you move, the bike you ride, the packaging of products to acquire and consume energy. Are you going to look the other way because you have to choose to either accept or give up being part of our civilization? /

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Where To Buy Old School Ghetto Blaster

From ecocresía and 4x4. Snorkel


Ecocriticism are present in all areas of our society, for the purposes of this blog classification we are only interested in two types: those with 4x4 vehicles and those without.

Unfortunately, among those with 4x4 vehicles there are a number of characters, perhaps because it is fashionable to boast of "green" walk preaching virtues, attitudes and actions that bear no relation to reality. Tear their garments, and are to criticize and to maximize the actions of others that they qualify as minority. The trouble is that not only end up hurting them, but also harm those who use their vehicles to travel 4x4 to know new places in peace healthy.

On the other hand, are like going on a highway at 100 km / h, criticizing those who go to 80 for being too slow and hinder their passage, and going to 120 for being irresponsible fools. They are possessors of the truth and see themselves as great protectors of the environment, without taking into account that, for those who are more radical than they are few predators in high-powered machines that cause massive environmental damage by their mere existence . If they are so "green" Why not sell their rustic and use public transport instead?

These characters would do well to shut up and stop draw attention to a subject about which know only parroting what, and what they have seen on Discovery Channel and a few second page on the Internet.

Ecocriticism There are also, that not having a 4x4, they become bitter enemies in an activity not know and do not understand, angrily thrusting the red rag of the alleged environmental damage. Also called attention to the forms of communication derogatory and inaccurate, that appeal to resentment and hatred, when they talk about "Daddy's little children" or use the term "camionetotas", which only manages to convey the impression that after His words are motivations other than simple love of nature.

If we see it is impossible to pass through this world without causing any environmental damage. It is not possible to say that you love nature while despises his neighbor. What happens is that it is easier to see the mote in your neighbor's eye than the beam itself, and be swayed by passions of others to stop and think.

occurs to me that we would do far more for the planet if everyone, each and every one of us did our part, instead of looking for another whom accountable.

Those of us love to travel in our 4x4 vehicles we also have our rights, which of course, carry their responsibilities and setting clear limits. But enough to let us trample by Ecocriticism, which apparently has nothing else to do, and which, moreover, often confuse the terms perhaps seeking their own advantage.

Equally unfortunate is the attitude of most media that shocking news of interest only, without taking the time to check that both can be true. Soil

be naive, but not enough to think that writing these lines can do to change the attitude Ecocriticism one. I just think that perhaps may make someone think a little here will be a bit of objectivity. By this I am satisfied.

meantime, suffer the consequences of the acts of one or the other .