To learn more about the differences between the air intake put forward or put back, please click here .
Whereas we already had with the instrument accurate measurements (see picture left) and we already had the test protocol defined based on our previous experience, we just needed to get paid another Land Cruiser UZJ200 "Roraima", the same characteristics to that of the initial tests, which enjoyed the original intake system intact, which finally happened this weekend.
This picture shows the exact way we connect our instrument for measuring the test vehicle's engine. A "T" serves the purpose of allowing the measurement of pressure drop, while retaining the normal operation of the fuel pressure regulator for the development of the test.
This table easily appreciate the differences in pressure drop between the original intake system and a vehicle equipped with snorkel, both air intake facing forward, as oriented ago.
This time we will only present the values \u200b\u200bobtained (see table above). The interpretation of data, which otherwise is very interesting, we wanted to leave it to you, dear reader.
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