TV system from DirecTV is a service of satellite broadcast and

DirecTV system the company is owned by DirecTV Group, which in 2005 acquired all of DirecTV Latin America.
In the United States compete against Dish Network. Since December 2005
DirectTV Group is a partner of Sky Mexico and Sky Brasil, so SKY is considered within the Latin American division of DirecTV Group.
SKY Brasil is currently operated by the Globo Comunicações e Participações has 25.9% of the shares and DirecTV Group, which owns 74.1% of the shares. Meanwhile
SKY Mexico is operated by the Televisa television station that has the 58.7% stake in DirecTV Group and which owns 41.3% of the shares.
The company's Fox Entertainment Group by News Corporation is now the largest minority shareholder of the company DirecTV Group, with 39% of total shares.
DirecTV currently transmits its signal to Latin America via Satellite Galaxy 3C. DirecTV Group
The company has two divisions: DirecTV U.S., DirecTV Latin America, the latter in turn is divided into three regions: Pan-American DirecTV, Sky Mexico and Sky Brasil.
It should be noted that although DirecTV and Sky now constitute a single undertaking, in some Central American countries receive both signals.
Question No. 10: Macroeconomic Policy
Republic Peru.
macroeconomic policy is one that affects a country or region in its entirety. It deals with the monetary regime, fiscal, trade and exchange, and economic growth, inflation and national rates of employment and unemployment. A year
APRA government growth cycle that began in the previous administration has been amplified. The growth of GDP, national disposable income, non-primary GDP, private investment and dynamism of private consumption, are proof of the extraordinary moment that comes from the Peruvian economy. The GDP growth goes hand in hand with employment growth and evolution led bank lending to microenterprises. On the other hand, the jump in revenue associated with the economic boom and the good international prices have led to decentralize fiscal bonanza. Peru is living a macroeconomic boom, accompanied by strong employment growth and government transfers to the provinces. To see an economic picture with this mix of results, date back probably to the last century, before the Great Depression, or perhaps until the time of guano
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