Today, you see how business is part of our life span is covering the industrialized world in which we live. These companies perform various forms of advertising to sell their products but as we know, the development of these products vary, depending on the procedure they have used to achieve higher growth, an example of steps q have been able to use these companies to make known their products, is to not only sell what you produce in a highly centralized and Lima, but take little saturated markets of the provinces and other departments, so that in this way may become a greater base, examples of companies that achieved strong growth in Peru are:
- GLORIA (milk ).................................. 98.3% ....
- MOVISTAR (mobile telephony )....................... 96.7%
- Coca Cola (soft drinks
)............................... 95.8% - CRYSTAL (beer ).... ............................. 89.0%
- Square See (supermarkets )............ 83.6% ............
- BCP (banking ).............................. 82.3% ............
- Inka Farma (pharmacies )............................. .81.2%
- Toyota of Peru (76.3%
)..................... cars - Nestle Peru (milk )......... 73.2% .........................
- Frugo (Frugo )................. ....................... 72.1%
The companies mentioned are the most beloved by the people and have earned this position through marketing, to form they have been able to sell their products. This serves as an example for many companies who are just forming and must be seen as a powerful tool for a company to flourish, which must be accompanied in with a good product.
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